The distance from Dhaka to Sylhet is about 235.6 km, and the average travel time from Dhaka to Sylhet by bus is about five and a half hours. The bus price from Dhaka to Sylhet ranges from Tk 500 to Tk 1200.
But the ticket price depends on AC and Non-AC service. There are many buses on Dhaka to Sylhet route with different prices. You can purchase any ticket offline and online at your convenience, needs, and budget.
Dhaka to Sylhet All Bus Ticket Price 2024
Now let’s know about Dhaka to Sylhet ticket pricing. The ticket price mainly depends on the bus service, AC and non-AC. You can buy Dhaka to Sylhet tickets according to your needs, budget, and preferences. Below is the ticket price for Dhaka to Sylhet.
Dhaka To Sylhet AC Bus Ticket Price
There are some AC Buses that ply the Dhaka to Sylhet route. If your budget is a bit high, choose the AC service and make your journey comfortable. There is given all the AC Buses ticket prices below.
Bus Name | Ticket Price BDT |
Ena Paribahan | 1200 |
Green Line | 1500 |
Saint Martin Paribahan | 900 |
London Express | 1200 |
Golden line Paribahan | 1200 |
Dhaka To Sylhet Non-AC Bus Ticket Price
Dhaka to Sylhet route also has some Non-AC and AC buses. Choose any of the buses according to your needs and budget. All the Non-AC bus ticket prices are given below.
Bus Name | Ticket Price BDT |
Unique Service | 700 |
Shymoli NR Paribahan | 700 |
Ena Paribahan | 700 |
Al Mobaraka | 700 |
Mamun Enterprise | 700 |
RP Elegance | 700 |
Hanif Enterprise | 700 |
Super Sony | 1200 |
Dhaka to Sylhet Bus Schedule 2024
The schedule typically includes multiple departure times throughout the day, allowing travelers to choose a convenient time that suits their itinerary. Travelers can choose from different options based on their convenience.
- Hanif Enterprise: 05:00 AM
- Ena Paribahan: 06:00 AM
- GreenLine: 07:00 AM
Dhaka to Sylhet Bus Counter Number
Many AC and non-AC buses ply on Dhaka to Sylhet route. All these bus express ticket prices are different because each bus service is different. Below is the list of Dhaka to Sylhet buses. You can select any express according to your preference and budget.
GreenLine Paribahan
- Rajarbag: 02-9342580, 02-9339623
- Arambag: 02-7192301, 01730-060009
- Norda: 01730-060098
- Badda: 01970-060074
- Abdullahpur: 01970-060076
- Azampur: 01970-060075
- Kalabagan: 01730060006
- Fakirapul: 02-7191900, 01730-060013
London Express Al Mubaraka
- Arambagh: 01701220011
- Kalabagan: 01701220033
- Uttara: 01701220012
Golden line Paribahan
- Sayedabad: 01709642585
- Kallyanpur: 01705408500
- Nabinagar: 01733208884
- Gulistan: 01733036003
- Rayer Bazar: 01733208885
- Bou Bazar: 01733208883
Hanif Enterprise
- Kallyanpur: 02-9010214, 01713-049540, 01713-049541, 01713-049573
- Norda: 01713-049579
- Abdullahpur: 01713-049513
- Uttara: 01713-402672
- Kalabagan: 01730-376342, 01713-402670, 02-8119901
- Technical: 02-9008475, 01713-049541
- Gabtoli: 02-9012902, 02-9008475, 01713-049541
- Shyamoli Ring Road: 01713-402639, 01713-049532
- Fakirapul: 02-7191512
- Sayedabad: 01713-402673
- Panthapath: 01713-402641
- Nobinagar: 01681-29999, 01753-488476
- Savar: 01753-488476, 02-7747788
- Arambag: 01730-376343, 01713-402631, 01713-402632, 01713-402671, 02-7194007
- Kachpur: 01687480569
Ena Paribahan
- Fakirapul: 01869-802736, 01872-604475
- Dhaka Airport: 01760-737652, 01869-802726, 01872-604498, 01872-695911
- Badda: 01869-802735, 01872-604495
- Abdullahpur: 01869-802729, 017989-11752, 01610-449903
- Uttara BGB: 01760-737651, 01869-802728
- Mohakhali: 01760-737650, 01619-737650, 01869-802725
- Tongi Station Road: 01760737653
- Kuril Road: 01869802733
Mamun Enterprise
- Sayedabad: 01783877565
Al Mubaraka Enterprise
- Fakirapul: 01610801025
- Narayangonj: 01610801026
- Chittagong Road: 01610801027
- Belanagar: 01610801028
- Sayedabad: 01610801024
Unique Service Bus
- Sayedabad: 01963622235
- North Jatrabari: 01963622236
- Fakirapul: 01963622227
- Kallyanpur: 01963622244
- Kamalapur: 01963622299
- Mirpur 10: 01963622240
- Chittagong Road: 01963622237, 01819692079
Shyamoli Paribahan
- Kamalapur, New Counter: 02-8316246
- Arambagh Bus Counter: 02-7194291, 02-7192215
- Gabtali 03,near to Rozob Ali Market: 02 01622055800.
- Norda: 02 55050218
- Panthapath: 02 9102082, 01815273942
- Assad Gate: 01714619173
- Technical: 01865068922
- Sayedabad: 027541336, 027541249
- Fakirapul: 027193725
- Abdullapur: 01865068930
- Kalyanpur: 028091161, 02891162, 028091183
Saint Martin Paribahan
- Arambagh, Dhaka: 01762-691341, 01762-691339
- Fakirapul, Dhaka: 01762-691350, 01762-691342
- Panthapath, Dhaka: 01762-691364
- Kalyanpur, Dhaka: 01762-691353
Q 01: What is Dhaka to Sylhet’s current bus ticket price in 2024?
Ans: The ticket price is about from 500 TK to 1200 TK. It’s recommended to check with the relevant bus operators or their official websites for the most up-to-date and accurate information on bus ticket prices for Dhaka to Sylhet in 2023.
Q 02: How can I find the bus ticket price for Dhaka to Sylhet in 2024?
Ans: You can find the bus ticket price for Dhaka to Sylhet in 2023 by checking the websites of various bus operators operating on this route. Many bus operators provide online booking facilities with updated ticket prices.
Q 03: Do bus ticket prices for Dhaka to Sylhet vary depending on the bus operator?
Ans: Yes, bus ticket prices for Dhaka to Sylhet may vary depending on the bus operator. Bus operators may have different fare structures and ticket categories, which can affect ticket prices.
Q 04: Can bus ticket prices for Dhaka to Sylhet change in 2024?
Ans: Yes, bus ticket prices for Dhaka to Sylhet can change in 2023, as various factors, such as fuel prices, operational costs, and situations, may influence them.
Q 05: How can I pay for bus tickets from Dhaka to Sylhet in 2024?
Ans: Bus operators and booking platforms may accept various payment methods for bus tickets from Dhaka to Sylhet in 2023, such as cash, credit/debit cards, and mobile banking.
Q 06: Can I book bus tickets from Dhaka to Sylhet in advance for 2024?
Ans: Many bus operators and booking platforms allow the booking of bus tickets from Dhaka to Sylhet in 2023. Booking can be done through their websites or counters.
Last Words
If you want to buy tickets online, you can book tickets by contacting any counter with your mobile number according to your location. Be sure to know the ticket price before purchasing the ticket, as you may be charged much higher than the actual price of the ticket by fraud. For this, after knowing the ticket price, purchase tickets any method.