Robi Call Forwarding On/Off Code

Robi Call Forwarding ON OFF Code
Robi Call Forwarding ON OFF Code

Take the convenience of Robi’s ‘Call Diverting’ and ‘Call Forwarding’ services. There is a call forwarding all codes with the details of these valuable features offered by Robi, allowing you to divert calls when you’re busy or wish to avoid interruptions.

Robi Call Forwarding Service

You’ve come to the right place if you’re a Robi subscriber looking for information on managing call forwarding settings.

This article will provide detailed insights into Robi Call Forwarding, including activation and deactivation codes for various scenarios.

Robi Call Forwarding Activation Codes

Robi offers several call-forwarding options to manage your specific needs. Here are the activation codes for different call-forwarding scenarios:

Forward Type Activation Code Status Check
Forward Calls When Unreachable **62*Divert Number# *#62#
Forward Calls When Busy **67*Divert Number# *#67#
Forward Calls When There Is No Reply **61*Divert Number# *#61#
Forward All Calls **21*Divert Number# *#21#

Robi Call Forwarding Deactivation Codes

If you wish to deactivate call forwarding for any of the above scenarios, here are the deactivation codes:

Forward Type Deactivation Code Status Check
Cancel Forwarding When Unreachable ##62# *#62#
Cancel Forwarding When Busy ##67# *#67#
Cancel Forwarding When There Is No Reply ##61# *#61#
Cancel Forwarding for All Calls ##21# *#21#
Universal Code to Cancel All Call Forwarding ##002#

You can use the universal deactivation code if you’re unsure which call forwarding services are currently active on your Robi number.

Universal Deactivation Code is ##002#. Open your dial pad, enter the number, and press the call button. This code will turn off all active call forwarding services on your Robi number.

Why Deactivate Call Forwarding?

You may wonder why someone would want to deactivate call forwarding. The primary reason is to prevent minor deductions from your account balance.

While call forwarding services don’t incur significant charges, they have modest service fees. Deactivating these services ensures that you have full control over your balance.

Final Words

Robi Call Forwarding is a valuable feature that allows you to manage incoming calls effectively.

Whether you need to forward calls when busy or unreachable or wish to forward all calls, Robi provides convenient activation and deactivation codes to meet your needs.

If you’re unsure which service is active on your number, use the universal deactivation code ##002# to cancel them all.

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