New voter registration in 2022 has been started. Bangladesh Election Commission Board is doing new NID registration officially from every corner of Bangladesh. If you somehow miss that opportunity, don’t worry; you can do it alone.
My discussion in this article will cover the NID validation procedure, NID registration, what steps you need to go through to register a new NID, and what you need.
Not only that, but you will also get the statistics of the voter list and answers to all other related questions in this article. So without delay, let’s know these important things from today’s important article.
NID Registration (New Voter Registration)
You must do NID registration to give your Name to the voter list. Here you have to go through some important steps. After following all these steps carefully, you can complete your new voter registration.
[Related: Check the voter list of your area!]
You can register your NID anywhere when you are 18 or older. You can register from your home. For registration, you will need some documents which you will need for NID registration.

Online Voter Application Requirements
After completing your registration process, you will need some necessary documents to submit to the Election Commission. All the documents required for NID registration are-
- Print copy of application form submitted online.
- SSC Certificate.
- Birth Certificate.
- Passport Driving and TIN Certificate (Not compulsory).
- Photocopy of ID card of Parents, Husband/Wife.
- Copy of Utility Bill/House Rent Receipt/ Holding Tax Receipt.
- Citizenship Certificate.

New Voter Application Form [PDF]
Bangladesh Election Commission Board has developed a new form to collect information from citizens. You must fill out the application form when you apply for new voter registration online. See the voter application form here by downloading the PDF.
NID Registration Form PDF: New Voter Registration Form
NID Application Process: Step-By-Step
I will cover the NID application process in two steps. The two steps to registering as a new voter:
- Create Your NID Account.
- Input Your Detail Information.
In the first step, I will write about how you can create a NID account for yourself, and in the second step, I will write about how you can input your personal information and address.
After completing those two steps, you must download and print the NID application form and submit it to your area’s Election Commission office.
Create Your NID Account
For NID registration, you need to go to this link first. After entering this link, a page will appear in front of you. This page is like the image below.

Here, from the two options, click on the option called Application for New Registration. After clicking, an interface will appear in front of you, and here, you will be asked to enter some information.

At the top of this page, you will see your Name option. In the option below, you enter your birth registration number here. Enter your correct date of birth in the date of birth option below.
Then finally, below, you will see that a captcha is provided. Fill in the captcha correctly and click on the submit button.
After clicking submit button, you will be taken to a new interface. It will ask to verify your mobile number. You verify your phone number with your specific mobile number on this page.
You will be taken to another interface when the phone number is verified. After being taken to the interface, you will be asked to create your account with a username and password. Create an account with a username and password you specify. After account creation, you can do NID registration.
So, follow these steps if you are not convinced yet:
Step One: Verify It’s You!
- Visit Election Commission Board NID Registration website.
- Click on Application For New Registration.
- On this page, Enter some information: Your Full Name, Date Of Birth.
- Enter the Captcha.
- Now click on Submit button below.
Step Two: Create Your Account!
- Now enter your phone number and verify with the OTP code.
- Create a username and password to log in to your account next time.
Enter Your Information For NID Registration
After your account is created, you will see an option called Detailed Profile below the account. Click on the option. After clicking on this option, a new page will appear. On this page, you have to provide all your Personal Information.
You will be asked to provide your Name, parents’ Name, place of birth, parental information, and more. Once the information is entered, you click on the Submit button. But it should be remembered that no wrong information should enter here. Because if you submit incorrect information, you will have to change the NID information later.
However, once this is done, you will be taken to a new page where your occupation will be asked. Enter your specific Occupation here and click on Submit option.
After clicking the submit button, you will be taken to the last step, where you will be asked to enter your address. Enter your full address correctly in all the options.
When the address is entered correctly, click on the Submit option. After clicking, you will get an option to get some documents from you. Since there is no way to submit documents online when you go to the election office to submit your photograph, give them all the documents required for NID registration.
Skip the document submission option and click next. Then you will see a page will appear in front of you. Download this page. And then, you need to print the form. After printing the form, you need to get the signature of your UP member.
After that, you must submit the application form and the necessary documents to the election office. They will take your picture, take your fingerprints and give you the slip. Save the slip carefully, as you will need it later to collect your new NID.
But remember that you can also register your NID from the nearest election office. If confused, you should register your NID with the election office. But if you need, you can register your NID at your home following the rules above.
NID Validation: Smart Card Status Check
NID Validation is a method of checking NID. Many people look for ways to check whether the National Identity Card is genuine or fake, but many fail to find this way. Now, the government of Bangladesh has started to provide Smart NID Card. This NID Validation process is called a ‘Smart Card Status Check.’ OK, let’s check your smart card’s status.
Now, this discussion brings the correct rules of NID Validation. To do NID validation, you must first log in to the Bangladesh Election Commission website.
After entering here, there is an option called Smart Card Status. Clicking on this option will take you to a page like a picture below.

This page will ask you to enter your NID number and date of birth. On the option of NID number is your slip number, which was given to you by the election commission office.

After entering the date of birth, you will see a captcha at the end. Fill this captcha correctly and click submit button. Only then will you see your NID, and all your information will show here, and you will understand whether it is correct or fake. You can download and print it in PDF format and do other things with it.
Voter Statistics In Bangladesh In 2022
Many people are interested to know the voter list so far, how many voters there are, how many men and women, and how many voters of other genders there are.
We have gathered that statistical information and included it in today’s discussion. You can easily know the total number of voters and how many male, female, and total voters of other genders. So let’s find out.
According to the list of the Bangladesh Election Commission, the total number of voters is 11 crore 32 lakh 87 thousand 10 people now. Among them, 5 crores 55 lakh 97 thousand 27 female voters, 5 crores 76 lakh 89 thousand 529 male voters, and 454 third gender voters.

For your convenience, this voter information is presented below in the form of a table so you can easily get all the information at a glance.
Male Voters | 576,89,529 |
Female Voters | 555,97,027 |
Other Genders | 454 |
Total Voters 2022 | 11,32,87,010 |
Voter Increasing Rate In Bangladesh Since 2008
Besides the NID statistical data, many want to know about the voter growth rate. For your convenience, we have brought accurate data on voter growth rates in today’s discussion. Collect information from the discussion below if you need it.
In 2008, registered voter in Bangladesh was 8,10,93,933 and then in 2018, voter increased to 10,41,56,269.
The number of voters in the country was 11 crore 17 lakh 20 thousand 669 people till March 1, 2021. 15 lakh 71 thousand 100 people have been newly included in the list of NID till March 1, 2022. So, based on these statistical data, the voter growth rate this year has been estimated at 7.5 percent.
In other words, the Bangladesh Election Commission has taken up the activities intending to include 84 lakh 96 thousand 526 people. This time, like last time, the information from three years is being taken together.
Today’s discussion is so far. I hope you got the answers to all the questions related to NID from this article. You can share this article with your acquaintances so that they can also know about it.
If you have any other questions related to NID or want to know anything else, then you can let us know through the comment box. Please stay connected to our website to get updated information related to NID. Thank you.
I have lose my nid slip , now how can i get my nid . My present – Address , word – no 20 , house – no g, school road warless gate , Mohakhali , Bonani -1212 , Dhaka North city cop. Can i healped about these problem . Mobile – 01701317110 . Thanks
Contact your nearest election office.