How to Change Operator Without Changing Number in Bangladesh?

Change Operator Without Changing Number
Change Operator Without Changing Number

The application process for changing your mobile network operator using MNP is designed to be efficient.

It takes a maximum of five minutes to complete the necessary paperwork and request the change. After applying, users can expect to receive their final confirmation within approximately 72 hours.

Operator Changing in Bangladesh

The long-awaited Mobile Number Portability (MNP) service has finally been launched in Bangladesh.

This significant development in the country’s telecommunications industry allows mobile phone users to change their service provider while retaining their existing 11-digit mobile phone number.

Customers no longer need to part ways with their familiar phone numbers when switching to a different mobile network operator.

Changing Operator Without Changing Number in Bangladesh

Mobile Number Portability in Bangladesh allows users to change their mobile network operator while retaining their phone number.

Here’s how to go about the process. Follow the given process to change your operator easily.

  • To activate the process, visit the customer care center of the mobile network operator you wish to switch to (such as Grameenphone, Banglalink, Robi, etc.).
  • Bring your National Identity Card and provide the required information to the customer care representative.
  • The customer care center will provide you with a new SIM card for the chosen operator with the same phone number as your existing SIM.
  • The new SIM card will be activated within approximately 72 hours, and you can use your phone as usual.
  • Customers must pay a fee of BDT 50 (which includes 15% VAT) at the time of application.
  • An additional fee of BDT 100 must be paid within 24 hours after the application.
  • After switching to a new operator, there is a 90-day waiting period during which you cannot switch again to another operator.
  • If you wish to return to your previous operator, you must wait for 90 days from the date of switching.

This MNP process allows you to enjoy the services of your preferred mobile network operator without the hassle of changing your phone number.

It offers flexibility and choice to mobile phone users in Bangladesh.

Operator Changing Cost – MNP Cost

Switching your mobile network operator using Mobile Number Portability involves specific charges and an easy process. But you have to pay specific charges for it. Let’s take a look at how many charges it takes.

Customers will be charged BDT 50, which includes 15% VAT, when applying to change their service provider.

Within 24 hours after applying, an additional BDT 100 must be paid.

The total cost incurred by phone users for changing their SIM through MNP amounts to BDT 158. This includes both the initial application fee and the SIM replacement tax.


  • What is MNP?

Ans: MNP stands for Mobile Number Portability. MNP allows you to switch to a different mobile network operator while keeping your existing mobile phone number intact.

  • How many times can I use MNP?

Ans: You can port your mobile phone number as often as possible. However, there is usually a mandatory waiting period of 90 days between porting requests to ensure a smooth transition.

  • Is the porting charge high?

Ans: Once the service is active, mobile phone users can port their numbers to another operator for a nominal fee, around 30 TK.

  • What is the waiting time for porting?

Ans: The porting process usually takes 2-4 hours. This can happen overnight.

  • What are the conditions for prepaid customers to port their mobile numbers?

Ans: Prepaid customers must follow the same porting process, including providing necessary identification, without needing a previous bill or statement.

  • What are the conditions for postpaid customers to port their mobile numbers?

Ans: Postpaid customers may need to provide a copy of their last bill or statement as part of the porting process.

  • Can I port a previously ported number?

Ans: You can port a previously ported number after the 90-day waiting period. In this case, you must initiate the MNP application process again.


To initiate the MNP process, customers must visit their chosen mobile network operator’s customer care center. This is where the application and documentation will be processed.

Once the MNP process has been completed, customers should note that they cannot switch to another operator within 90 days of the change.

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