A driving license is a type of permission that allows you to drive anywhere in the country. According to Bangladesh Motorcycle Act 1983, you must have a driving license to drive anywhere in Bangladesh. Otherwise, legal action will be taken against you. So a driving license is essential in this aspect.
BRTA Motor Driving License In Bangladesh
To get this driving license, everyone has to suffer a lot of trouble and face many problems. When we do this, we think about who we will do it with, how much it will cost them, what the government fee will be, and many other thoughts come to mind. That’s why many people consider it a trivial problem. But even though it seems like a hassle, it is essential.
You must face many problems and hassles to get an illegal driving license. You can fall into the circle of brokers who can put you in a lot of trouble and extort money. So to get rid of all this, you must get a driving license legally.
But there are no traditional rules as before. Now comes the online service to quickly apply for a driving license. Being online-based these days, this hassle has been significantly reduced, and the chances of making a mistake have been significantly reduced.

Process Of Getting a Driving License In Bangladesh
To get a driving license, you need to know the easy and correct process to apply for BRTA driving license online. You will get a driving license quickly if you know these and follow the rules. I am here today to discuss the easy and correct driving license process.
I hope today’s article will help you if you struggle to get a driving license. So follow the article carefully until the end to know the rules so as not to miss any point.
Types Of Driving Licenses
First, let’s learn about the types of driving licenses. There are 3 types of driving licenses. These are
- Learner or Apprentice Driving License
- Smartcard Driving License
- International driving license
Here, a learner’s driving license is an entry-level driving license. Without it, you will not get a smartcard driving license.
A smartcard driving license is a basic license that allows you to drive anywhere in the country. So, to get a smartcard driving license, you must first get a learner or apprentice driving license.
Another is International Driving License. With this, you will be allowed to drive in other countries.
Conditions For Getting a Driving License
A driving license has some pre-conditions. A learner’s or apprentice’s driving license is a prerequisite for obtaining any license, professional or amateur. This application should be made by filling out the form prescribed by BRTA along with the necessary documents.
Then one of the conditions is that the applicant must have passed the minimum class VIII. You must be 18 years of age for an amateur license and 21 years for a professional license. It is noted that Applicants must be mentally and physically fit.
Documents For Learner or Apprentice Driving License
One of the conditions for obtaining a driving license is to have a learner’s or apprentice’s driving license. Some documents required for a learner’s driving license will be required. For example-
Driving license customers must first apply online for a learner or apprentice driving license with the required documents.
A specific application form will be required. The online application form should provide his permanent and current address.
Forms are to be filled with various proofs if required; For example, the application should be made to the BRTA office along with a photocopy of the electricity and gas bill. Apply online in the prescribed form.
Medical certificate of physical fitness from a registered doctor, attested photocopy of National ID card, receipt of the deposit of prescribed fee, 3 copies of the recent stamp, and one copy of passport size photograph.
Learner Driving License Application Process
Getting a learner’s driving license is easy; you must submit your application online or go to the BRTA office to download the license file.
- First, the customer has to fill out the form collected from BRTA.
- The second page of the form is given as a medical certificate, which the registered doctor should fill out and sign.
- Receipt of the fee paid for the Learner Driving License at the prescribed bank, birth registration certificate, passport photocopy, and utility bill should be attached to the form.
- Then all you need to do is to submit the filled form to the BRTA office. Thus the application process will be completed.
If everything goes well with the application process, you will be notified of a date to collect the learner’s or learner’s driving license. Collect the form and license from the BRTA office on the date indicated.
After collecting a learner’s driving license, get it signed by an official from the designated BRTA.
Then your task will be to submit the form at the reception booth. It should be noted here that the validity of a learner’s driving license is only three months. After three months, it will become unusable.
You must keep this license to yourself. You can take driving training and apply for a thoughtful card driving license.

Learner Driving License Examination
The examination can be held two to two and a half months after applying for a learner’s driving license. The exam date will be notified through SMS on your mobile. The name of the place where you want to take the exam should be mentioned in the application form.
After clearing these written viva and field tests, you can apply to the concerned BRTA office circle for a thoughtful card driving license by paying the necessary documents and fees in a form.
Documents Required for Smartcard Driving License
A smart card driving license will require some necessary documents. They are-
A specific application form is required. The application should be made in the prescribed form.
Medical certificate from a registered doctor, attested photocopy of National ID card, receipt of the deposit of fee in the designated bank of BRTA, prescribed fee is of two types. One professional and one amateur.
Smart Card Driving License Application Process
It is mainly of two types: an amateur driving license and another professional driving license. Let’s know about the application process for both types of driving licenses.

Amateur Smart Card Driving License Application Process
You must first collect an application form which you can collect from any nearby computer shop or BRTA office. Then you have to fill out the form with the required information. After that, the prescribed fee and the necessary documents should be submitted to the BRTA office circle.
The application form has to attach the required documents, which are mentioned above. Customers’ biometrics are accepted on the same day if the attached documents are in order.
Professional Smart Card Driving License Application Process
Professional driving license holders are required to attend a practical test separately. After passing the exam, the prescribed form must be collected and filled out. After that, the prescribed fee should be submitted along with the necessary documents to the specified office circle of the BRTA.
Smart Card Driving License Getting
You will be notified through SMS when the license will be made. Check SMS regularly for this. Visit the BRTA office on the date mentioned in the SMS and collect your much-desired driving license from the specific place.
BRTA Driving Licence Examination
A driving license test is done in two stages. One is a written test, and the other is an oral test. Let’s know the details-
Written Examination
A driving license is a government test based on the marks obtained in this test. So to get a license, you must pass by getting a certain number. You can buy specific books for this from the market.
Viva Examination
Apart from the written test, you have to pass the oral test. To pass the oral exam, you must understand traffic signs well. The questions in the oral exam are on traffic signs. You must have an adequate understanding of those marks to clear the exam.
Cost of Driving License
Depending on the type of driving license, the cost also varies. For example-
- Cost of Learner or Apprentice Driving License: The cost of a license applicable to driving only one type of vehicle is Tk 345.
- On the other hand, the cost of a license for driving both cars and a motorcycle is TK 518.
Cost of Smartcard Driving License: Professional Driving License will cost TK 1689 (including 5 years renewal fee). - On the other hand, an amateur driving license will cost TK 2542 (including 10 years renewal fee).
So this was today’s discussion. I hope you have followed the article carefully from the beginning to the end and got a clear idea about all the questions and confusion about obtaining a driving license.
If you find this post helpful, please share it with others facing the same problem while obtaining a driving license. Stay connected to our website regularly to learn about various online-related topics. Thank you.
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তারেক মুসা বলছি মুন্সি গনজ থেকে। আমার কাতারের Driving licences আছে এখন আমি ইনটারনেশনাল লাইসেন্স বানাতে চাচ্ছি কিভাবে করতে পারি সুপরামর্শ দিয়ে সাহায্য করার অনুরোধ করছি।
I from Gaibandha .
I wanna get driving license bike and car .
How much cost of that license?